
Don't let Trump talk ruin Thanksgiving dinner!!

This doesn't have to be the worst Thanksgiving ever.

This week, many of you might be anxious about heading home for Thanksgiving. You might be scared about how you’re going to be able to talk to loved ones with whom you don’t always see eye-to-eye. With everything today so polarized and negative, is there any hope for common ground at the dinner table? I believe so.

This does not have to be the worst Thanksgiving ever.

Family is more important than all this stuff. It really is.

I've lost all my grandparents and both my parents.

Life is very short. You only get so many Thanksgivings with your family. It might be 10. It might be 20. It's not 1,000.

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You don't need to win any debates or arguments.

Let's just try to keep the conversation as best we can in that loving realm of just, “I see it differently.” And then from there, I can either try to explain what I see, or I can just go a different direction.

But don't feel like you've got to go home and correct everybody.

It might be fine for a while, but set your watch. Set your timer.

“All right, we're going to talk politics for 15 minutes or 20 minutes, and we're going to talk about other stuff.”

Because you might never see your relatives again.

Thanks for reading Van Jones! This post is public so feel free to share it.


So as you're getting ready to go and you're dreading this and you're dreading that, remember: These are your cousins. These are your uncles. These are people you grew up with.

If this is your last Thanksgiving, don't let it be the worst one.

Make sure it's the best one.

All right?

I hope you have a really, really great weekend.

Let’s stay together.

- Van

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