Thank you, Van. My parents survived the holocaust and the Nazi’s barbarism and those who were complicit. We can’t let it happen again, not for Jews, not for anyone.
Van, Thank you, always, for your lessons in humanity, compassion and for the urgency you verbalize, that many are feeling but are unable to state so eloquently and to such an attentive audience. May everyone read the quote by Lutheran Pastor Martin Niemöller, German, 1892-1984, initially a Nazi sympathizer, who became an outspoken critic of Hitler; the quote is shared below, thanks to S. Toretto, "First they came for..." (see the Holocaust encyclopedia) Haunting words, a clarion call, eternally relevant, particularly today and every day, yet tragically, rarely heeded by the masses...😢🙏❤️
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
When you say 'Everyone should come to Auschwitz' I think you mean those who don't have survivors or who are survivors. Those of us with family who survived the concentration camps know what it is like there. Thank you for going. But I don't need to go there to understand the evil we lived through and the evil we are bracing for now.
When I visited the Holocaust museum in Jerusalem I felt much as you did, it was sobering and is probably why I have been warning people since 2016 that we may have another Hitler in the making :-(
Extraordinary message that is desperately needed far and wide. Your bearing witness and encouraging others to bear witness is profoundly needed, and appreciated.
Van...I have to THANK YOU FOR staying true to your word (I met you in September in NYC on 47th St, you were with your friend and I was with my daughter...I thanked you for your support of us and Israel and you told me you had more in the works and here you are). thank you for shining a light on something that has become a political weapon on both sides of the political spectrum. I appreciate your unbiased and clear perspective. Always.
Just want to give you an embrace. This is an experience that is wrought with pain, confusion, and yes, even hate for the haters who did this to our fellow human beings. We must be ever vigilant. How we ended up with the hating administration we now have is frightening. I hope we can recover. I rely on you as one of my sources of information. I cannot watch the televised or braodcast news in any form.
Thank you for bearing witness and for your urgent, heartfelt words 🙏🏻💜
Good time to reflect on the poem:
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
Thank you for your courage, sensitivity, and willingness to speak up about this, Van. And for being so clear in your integrity and convictions.
Thank you, Van. My parents survived the holocaust and the Nazi’s barbarism and those who were complicit. We can’t let it happen again, not for Jews, not for anyone.
Thank you for sharing, Van. ❤️🙏🏼
Thank you for sharing Van! Anyone who as an ounce of empathy can only image the horrors and atrocities of that time period. Pure evil!!
Yes, thank you, Van…
Van, Thank you, always, for your lessons in humanity, compassion and for the urgency you verbalize, that many are feeling but are unable to state so eloquently and to such an attentive audience. May everyone read the quote by Lutheran Pastor Martin Niemöller, German, 1892-1984, initially a Nazi sympathizer, who became an outspoken critic of Hitler; the quote is shared below, thanks to S. Toretto, "First they came for..." (see the Holocaust encyclopedia) Haunting words, a clarion call, eternally relevant, particularly today and every day, yet tragically, rarely heeded by the masses...😢🙏❤️
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
—Martin Niemöller
I was there…I saw it…. Can’t unsee it. It’s so tough to see
Van, you are tremendous! Thank you!
Dear Van,
When you say 'Everyone should come to Auschwitz' I think you mean those who don't have survivors or who are survivors. Those of us with family who survived the concentration camps know what it is like there. Thank you for going. But I don't need to go there to understand the evil we lived through and the evil we are bracing for now.
When I visited the Holocaust museum in Jerusalem I felt much as you did, it was sobering and is probably why I have been warning people since 2016 that we may have another Hitler in the making :-(
Extraordinary message that is desperately needed far and wide. Your bearing witness and encouraging others to bear witness is profoundly needed, and appreciated.
Van...I have to THANK YOU FOR staying true to your word (I met you in September in NYC on 47th St, you were with your friend and I was with my daughter...I thanked you for your support of us and Israel and you told me you had more in the works and here you are). thank you for shining a light on something that has become a political weapon on both sides of the political spectrum. I appreciate your unbiased and clear perspective. Always.
Just want to give you an embrace. This is an experience that is wrought with pain, confusion, and yes, even hate for the haters who did this to our fellow human beings. We must be ever vigilant. How we ended up with the hating administration we now have is frightening. I hope we can recover. I rely on you as one of my sources of information. I cannot watch the televised or braodcast news in any form.