Even though I did not yet watch, I feel comforted knowing you, Van Jones, are alive and well and working in the world to improve it. Thank you.

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I loved the show! Van Jones opened my mind to realize all the mistakes I have made in anger. I will try to follow his advice but as he said it doesn't always work . I will be happy if sometimes it works❤️

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Van, would you and Adam Kinzinger please run for president and vice president on the same ticket??? pretty please? This conversation with all the insights you have shared is why so many of us love you and love your heart. THANK YOU!!

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I really appreciate your words about acting and reacting from a place of kindness and love for myself! Not for the other person or for any ulterior motive. But because that's who I want to be and how I want to carry myself through this world. I often get stuck in the mindset of debate and arguing to change the other person's mind (bc of course I'm right), which has been effective zero times anyway. So thanks for that reminder.

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So true Can when I think about all the things I don't like that Trump is doing my blood pressure actually goes up

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We must be very clear about the future we want to create! I love Van Jones.

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I truly hope Van Jones will go into politics. He is a natural leader and we need people like him helping lead our country.

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